Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Lost generation

Our generation is the most unchurched generation ever! You can blame the advent of cell phones and the internet, media, absentee fathers and the system! All of these are relevant and do play a role! But the thing that this generation is missing is Christ! Our generation has very few leaders! The previous generation had Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa, and the one before that had Ghandi (who used the teachings of Christ)! These leaders mobilized the masses, challenged the norm, and fought for the rights of the broken, underserved and downtrodden! Above all these leaders gave a vision to the generation, inspired a message of hope, and gave them a true purpose through the gospel of Christ! They gave them new rules to live by! In a day where immorality is so pervasive in our culture it has become moral behavior! No disrespect to anybody with tattoes but many people I believe did not think about getting a tattoo before they saw others getting inked up! I dont judge because it says it in the word, but we have reached an era of copycatism! The majority of people follow what others around them say and do without questioning the act or giving it critical thought! Friends with the negative influences are generally more popular than the ones with the positive influences! The children of this generation are lost and are looking for a cause to live. What does this indicate about the society: a lack of GOD!

The enemy has taken over our children's minds, schools, gangs, patience and sanity! Kids in urban neighorhoods are throwing their lives away for the sake of PRIDE. A typical snenario is in where guy-1 and guy-2 get into an altercation which escalates into a fist fight! Guy 1 ends up beating up Guy 2! Guy 2 then goes home to get a gun and kills guy 1! The action was carried out to show that he is not to be messed with and that was it! This happens at least multiple times in the summer in Harlem and the Bronx (two of the poorest areas in New York City)! Most youth who have no direction, will end up in jail, murdered or a murderer, hurting someone or badly being hurt! Many of these youngsters would disagree! When you have no idea that you were created for a purpose and you live like its your last day (in a bad way) you will inevitably hurt (emotionally, physically, and psychologically) others around you, and possibly injure them! When a young person has Christ in their life, not only will he/she have less time to be idle but they will separate themselves from the world and serve as an example to those around them.

People desire love, affirmation, acceptance, and to be cared for: it is what most people long for! Our current teenagers have very few positive role models, and are trying to find out what their purpose is in life! Therefore since they lack direct guidance and do not have somebody to lead they will follow anything. Everybody is searching for a purpose and the truth. They need Christ to transform them and purify them of all unrighteousness! The many stabbings, shootings, molestations and kidnapping of the youth is much more a spiritual emptiness rather than a societal ill! The youth and adolescents need something to believe in! In addition some of them lack fathers so God can be there heavenly Dad! If more youth get saved (give their lives to Christ) then their peers too will give their hearts to Christ! The ones who are saved will lead their friends to Christ! Trusting confiding, and hoping for something that promises eternal life is awesome! Young people who are followers of Christ Jesus now have God in their lives and know God has a purpose for there life, and an eternal peace! A teenager who lacks direction is easily subject to any demonic spirits (depression, lust, anger) and falls prey to false ideologies and teachings! In addition anybody who does not believe that God has a plan for their life will probably view themselves as insignificant which will lead them not value their lives and culminates in driving them to commit many risky acts such as shooting stabbing, or fighting!

Lord I pray that the young people who are saved and will be saved are covered by your blood, protected and kept in the name of Jesus. Lord, Prosper them, keep their paths straight, and build fellowship as well as praying, fasting and reading the bible! In Jesus name we pray AMEN! I hope that this generation is the answer to grandma's prayers [SEEK GOD FIRST! ABOVE ALL ELSE]!

Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

New World Part II

Prior to getting saved I was depressed (right after college)! The person who I thought to be me wasnt! In college I was suave, papi chulo, the dancer, popular, and quite the socialite! My image became my idol, I cared about what I wore, what cologne I put on, the next hottest dance move, and the girls I associated and fornicated with! I was slave to sin! Unforgiveness ruled my heart! Well fastforward to graduation. I left Syracuse and went to back to the Bronx! All the false identities that I thought were true began crashing down every fast, which I had not time to prepare for! I though I was socially significant(all of a sudden I was in environment where nobody knew me except my parents and family)! I thought I was dancer (but now I didn't get to dance as much because there were no groups such as the ones on campus)! I realized that my ego was superficially inflated and that it consisted of external praise and affirmation! I began to seek out poetry as a way to deal with these internal conflicts and different ways to cope with this identity crises! I sought out self help books, friendly advice, and even saw a psychologist! Then thoughts of paranoia would devour my mind: (Im not good enough, why is that person laughing are they laughing at me, what will people think of me if I do so and so, does she find me attractive, can I beat that guy up, why did she only say this negative thing to me?) The thoughts would go on and on! I struggled with low self esteem and suicidal thoughts! Then I was recommended to read A Purpose Driven Life! I began reading it and was instantly magnetized to the book! After reading the book, I began reading the Bible everyday and at the time I was working in a hospital which was a very stressful environment where I was surrounded by darkness! I was amazed at how much the Word of God gave me peace and the rest. God is truly a source of power! So April 2010 is when the fight happened and when God opened my eyes!

Then in July 2010 I was invited to this event by the organizer of the dance group I was part of in college and went to the event (which was in Brooklyn)! I went to the event and saw teens falling out, a heavy set man on stage screaming surrender to God! The scene was just dramatic and a bit frightening to be honest! I attended a workshop and heard a message where the pastor said that if you claim to be a Christian but everybody around you does not know you are a Christian then there is a problem! The words pierced through my heart and I was never the same again! I accepted my Lord and savior Jesus Chris that night with no altar call! As I was walking to the train station I felt a certain warmth that I had never felt before and I felt different! So I told God that Im never looking back! So that I did, I backslid twice (went to two clubs: in Mexico and in New York). Both times I felt convicted by the Holy Spirit and felt empty inside! So I made a promise to God to devote my life to Him before I went back to school for my Masters. Through reading the Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through me, attending the campus Christian fellowship filled with the Holy Ghost, and attending Christian conferences I was able to grow!

All of these things helped me grow in the Lord at an astonishing rate! I went to two conferences in the Spring which were my turning point! One of the conferences showed how this generation is the one to lead the world and affect change! There were massive amount of youth younger than me: 14-22! It was amazing to see so many young people on FIRE FOR GOD! Then in April 2011 I went to another conference where I witnessed somebody giving their life to Christ as well as the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and opportunities to witness: Word of knowledge where God tells you something about somebody! God told the pastor about three people: One person had a heart problem that did not allow him to participate in Sports and he prophesied over him that He will speak in large capacities about the Lord! I was amazed at how powerful God is! Then I finished up my school year and decided I was going on a mission trip! So now its approximately 4 weeks until I depart for my mission trip and I am syked like I cannot contain the excitement! However I am aware of the peril and severity that lies ahead! As I have heard of kidnappings and killings in the area, but it did say in the Bible that Jesus’ followers will be persecuted! However, in Josh 1:9 it says Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." God will deliver me from my enemies and I believe that with all my heart! Bless God is He is so faithful, just, righteous and good to me! Gloria al Senor! I will have testimonies of the amazing things God did over there when I come back! In Jesus Name!

Man God is amazing! He has been so faithful! When you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior and lay your life down for God he will turn your life around and either give you a purpose or redefine it! It is a never ending adventure with God! I am closing in on a year in Christ! This year is very symbolic for me as it marks 1 full year being a slave to righteousness and liberated in Christ! One year of being tempted, confused, prospered, strengthened, lifted up, enlightened, and blessed! The Lord has delivered me from the pit! The life in the world does not compare to the life in the Lord! Before I skepticized that the Lord had a plan for my life! Now I know He does! Praise be to God and glory to Him in the Highest! I know there are greater things to come, we will just have to wait and see! God is awesome! I pray that everybody reading this will open their heart and hear my story as well as open their eyes to see the TRUTH! I pray that people will trust in the Lord and nothing else! Thank you brothers and sisters for allowing me to share my thoughts! Thank you Jesus for this time of communion! Protect and keep your children wherever they are remind them that you are King and we are your heirs: princes and princesses! In Jesus name we pray!


Phil 3:8 What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Born Again- Relationships

I dont know what to say! I feel like its the beginning and end of a very important stage in my life! Its amazing man! God has revealed to me during the very short time I have been walking with Him that he will surely give you a treasure but you must devote yourself to Him, trust in Him, clinch dearly to FAITH, love, respect, and glorify HIM, endure the persecutions and the trials to gain the eternal prize! He is everything people have looked for: Consideration, acceptance, kindness, Peace, Comfort, Trust, Energy, Passion, Light, Healing, a Father, a brother, stability, food, a refuge, satisfaction, and MOST OF ALL LOVE!

Some people spend their whole lives searching for the truth and never find it, but some do! Those that do will rest with Jesus (who is seated at the right hand of the throne) for eternity! Every problem in the world is either rooted in SIN or in seeking refuge in worldly things! One great example is relationships! Young girls crave attention and validation from the opposite sex! At age 13 females are already engaging in sex! Yes part of it is lack of maturity about how to handle the emergence of their newly acquired bodily features from precocious puberty! Some of them flock towards guys who promise them the world or just frankly give them attention and give their bodies in return for attention or "love"! Prebuscent maturation is a problem within itself and absentee fathers just exacerbate the situation. Certain young females begin to be dependent on their partners or boyfriends for the love and affirmation their biological (absentee) fathers were not able to provide ; ultimately turning their beloved other into an idol! These females unfortunately are very vulnerable. In many situations the couples are engaging in promiscuous behaviors and unprotected sex which can lead to an STD or unexpected pregnancies leading to teenage mothers! One of the STDS is HIV (which has killed plenty of people young and old) and is something not to play around with! Although I believe babies to be blessings from the Lord, I also understand that you want to give your baby all it deserves. One should strive to raise it in the most emotionally, mentally, socially, physically, spiritually and psychologically stable environment! This is very important for the rearing of children and raising the most healthy baby!

All people want to do is be loved, accepted, heard, understood and cared for! Many people claim to find themselves in other individuals or say that their partner is their other half! this can be very dangerous!!!!! In finding yourself you lose who are because you gave so much to that person! If you guys do break up, the break up will destroy the person that totally immersed themselves in the relationship since your ex is now part of you:(soul tie)! One may wonder why females or male may stalk their exes? Its because that person invested all of their emotions into a person and that person became their everything, but let them down! This is normal if you dont worship a higher power. These females were unable to control their emotions as well. Not only that but that person becomes your god since you see them so much and invest so much energy into the relationship! Guys do what they think ascertains or defines their manhood! For most men they think having multiple sexual partners is being a man machismo)! Others hide behind their sexual endeavors and escapades to mask their insecurities and superficially elevate their self esteem! Some males have some trouble controlling their emotions and hormones while others don't want to have sex but do it to be part of the in crowd! There is also a population of males that are missing love and look to girls and sexual relationships for comfort, acceptance and love! Another population of males never had a mother so become bitter, abuse girls, and under-validate them! I personally fit into two categories; I was looking for acceptance and was following the societal norm! However, I did feel disgusted afterwards! If we replaced our boyfriends with Jesus there would be less tragic break-ups, heartbreaks, stds, murders rooted in jealousy, unexpected pregnancies, and abortions! Jesus is the answer to whatever we seek in the world!

The Lord tears down idols because He wants us to put Him First: which makes sense since He sent his Son to the earth to show us how to live, to be crucified on the cross, and be resurrected! We may feel rejected, deserted, and alone but the Lord will comfort us and love us unconditionally! God deserves all the praise and all the Glory and all The honor for what He has done in my life and in the life of others! PRAISE GOD and Glory to the highest, Ruler of heaven and earth, my ROCK, my DELIVERER King over every dominion!