Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Normal to Extraordinary

Everybody has weaknesses. This is because the Lord has crafted us in imperfection so we can depend on Him to be made whole! Moses was a murderer and he led the Israelites out of captivity. He also delivered the Holy Law (The Ten Commandments) of God. As Christians this is our standard of Holiness! He had a speech impediment and the Lord chose to speak through him. God's word says (1 Sam 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”) David was the youngest and smallest of Jesses's sons. However he was chosen to slay Goliath and to recapture the Ark of the Covenant from the Philistines. He lusted, fornicated with Bathsheba, and then murdered his mistress' husband. He was then eventually anointed King over Israel and Judah! Paul was a chief Persecutor of the early Christian Church. He killed many Christians and the Lord revealed Himself to Paul and he turned out to be the greatest evangelist of all time!

All these strong men of God sinned and fell short of God's glory. Nevertheless God still used them for His Kingdom. He used their weaknesses to His advantage. Moses slew an Egyptian in defense of his people, here he showed how loyal he was to the Israelites. David was small in size but he was a man after God's own heart! The Lord used his child like spirit so that He can do amazing things through him and build him up into a warrior for his Kingdom. Paul was an extremely bold Pharisee and enemy of the Gospel. By God's grace he was saved and God used his boldness to preach the gospel. The Lord entrusted him with the task of setting up Churches and writing letters in order to edify them as well as addressing problems in each Church! One of the greatest prophets (Moses) stammered when he spoke. The Lord chose Moses' weakness so that He can be glorified and that His sovereign strength could be manifested through him! Moses was the leader of his generation and worked with the Lord to deliver the Israelites out of bondage. He spoke to Pharaoh numerous times and had to speak to the Israelites on behalf of God and command them to move, set up camp, or remain. He had a difficult task before him but he listened and followed what God called him to do! Although they all had weaknesses they were obedient in doing what the Lord called them to do!

Sometimes in our lives we tend to think we must be the most righteous and Holy of God's servants to be used by God. The Bible tells us the exact opposite. According to the scriptures, some of the men and women of God were just as stubborn, doubtful, and imperfect as we are! However, God saw something special in each one of them! He took their weakness and turned it into a strength. He made a way where it would be infeasible for the natural man! This way everybody will know that only God was capable of doing it and His name would be exalted! Through God anything is possible, (Matt 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. As long as we have the right intention at heart (uplift people, edify, minister the love of Christ, and make disciples), remain humble and serve others God will continue to trust us with more gifts, anointing, mission trips, ministries, and souls! We may not be perfect but as we continue to be obedient to His Voice He will give us more responsibility. Jesus said (Matt 25:21 His lord said to him, Well done, you good and faithful servant: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter you into the joy of your lord.) The Lord wants us to use our weaknesses to speak to the brokenhearted and to grow His kingdom! Paul says (2 cor 12:9-10 Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. 9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.) The Lord will strengthen us so that we can do the work He has set before us and He also uses our weaknesses to keep us humble so that we may only boast in Him! The Lord will use us as vessels so that His Mighty Power and Strength can be manifested through us! All wisdom, power, glory, praise, and honour belongs to the King and may He continue to use our flaws to bring glory to his name!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dont wanna Waste my Life

People may see me as the good Christian boy or some of my friends call me Pastor Alex! I find it funny but honestly I think people view me as somebody who may be doing this in my own strength! On the contrary every piece of my flesh would love to act a fool but the Lord has opened my eyes to his love grace and mercy! How could I turn back to the things that seem like they were giving me instant gratification but were actually killing me slowly! I find the lifetstyle challenging I really do but I know that there is a greater reward not only on earth but in HEAVEN! I know the truth and I know I have eternal life, I also have the opportunity to reach millions of lives through the gospel and to make a profound impact on people’s lives! I would not want to live my life any other way! No longer am I a slave to depression, no longer am I a slave to suicidal thoughts, materialism, and no longer am I a slave to other people’s thoughts and opinions of me!

Im not gonna lie though I miss being with friends and my loved ones! Im usually the only one going to Church on Fridays and Sundays. It’s a bit frustrating but its also comforting because I want to be the light amidst the darkness even though people don’t view the activities they engage in as darkness but its because the Lord hasn’t revealed Himself to them yet! I have no right to judge anybody, just 1 year ago I used to engage in the same activities and not see anything wrong with it! But the Lord allowed certain things to happen so that I could come running to HIM and HE could have total ownership of my LIFE! But now my Mom and I are the only Christians in my immediate family and Im the only young Christian in my extended family who we interact with. The rest of my family say they believe in God but they aren’t necessarily saved, I don’t think they understand what it means to be saved! Although they are wonderful people they aren’t Christian so it creates a certain rift in our connection! A Lot of my life revolves around Christ and its unfortunate that my Non Christian friends and I hardly hang out as much because I don’t do the things I used to do although some of us are still close! I feel like that intimate aspect is lacking! Yeah I know it kind of sucks that Im not able to share a deeper bond with some people but in obeying the Lord we have to let some things go, but I guess its part of life!

Everybody has a calling in Life! The Lord has given me the privilege of being an evangelist and a prophet for his Kingdom! I am not boasting in myself but only Boasting in the Lord because without Him I am nothing and there is no egotism in my Blood! But I do know HE has equipped me with certain skills to transform the world, encourage others and to bring CHANGE to this generation! Our generation is so focused on theirselves, their own image, goals, and desires; its nothing short of ridiculous! Nobody wants to stop and speak to the homeless man or visit a family member who's in the hospital because it may be inconvenient! People are walking around in chains of abuse, hopelessness, perverseness, drug addiction, lack of love and fear just to mention a few things; they are looking to get delivered without anybody asking! Sometimes they want a way out but are either to afraid to say it and take a leap of faith or just aren't aware of the bondage they are in! This is where Christians come in!

I personally want to build Community Centers for kids in the Bronx and travel doing motivational speaking! I believe the youth is lost but we can regain them by loving them, interacting with them, while being sincere and accepting! As for right now, lately people have been speaking about me being a Pastor! I don't doubt I have a pastoral calling, since many people have spoken that over my life! However the Lord has yet to give me confirmation for it! I love ministering to people and encouraging them! The Lord created me for a purpose! Even if I have to get persecuted I still have Christ in my heart and GOD as my GPS! I mus die to the flesh and all my earthly desires. I will proclaim His name Boldly in this generation until people understand that we are fighting for our souls! Its not religion its a relationship and as we read the promises of God to ourselves not only are we mighty in the Lord but that without the Lord we are limited! I was bought at a price and I live to please him and nobody else (1 Cor 6:20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's)!

God is going to do an amazing work in this generation but he needs Leaders to carry His Promises and his VISION and to remind people of them! WE should love people unconditionally! Either way the LORD is amazing! I no longer live for myself but I live for the Lord! God has spoken to me in many different ways! WE must keep our eyes on Jesus and renounce any selfish thoughts or actions of the flesh while trusting in the Lord and the anointing that abides in us! In order to be part of the Christ movement that will shape this generation for the years to come, we must stand and Dare to be different and sanctified, anybody down?



Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Broken, Alone, Empty, and Hungry!

These are the ways that the Lord wants to see us in order to reach the depths of our soul! Sometimes I wonder why I feel empty inside and alone but I have everything! I have a family who loves me, two degrees, wonderful friends, and best of all CHRIST!

I finally had a revelation about why, after having a conversation with one of my Aunts. She had an encounter with the Lord after her son was diagnosed with Leukemia and she joined prayer groups in desperate need of emotional, social, and spiritual support! Sge gave her life to the Lord in the process and he got healed! If you don't believe in the supernatural power of God and have any questions please post any comments. She told me something personal about myself without me informing her, I was shocked; she was using the gift that God gave her through the Holy Spirit (Word of Knowledge)! Then she mentioned that we have to continue to fill ourselves up with God! While she was sharing, the verse about the cup overflowing came to my mind! The cup overflowing is getting filled u with the Lord , His promises, and His presence. As soon as she mentioned that, I thought about what I was experiencing the night before. I was feeling empty because I saw all these Christians in relationships and I felt like I should have been in one! But then I thought about the relationships I had in the past where the girls were great but the Lord had not ordained it and they became idols! If God is not the center of your life something else will become!

My vessel was half empty but it was not getting filled to the brim with the treasures of the LORD! If a cup is half empty it must be filled with something and that something has to be things of this world that made me feel empty anyway! The drinking, the women, and the clubs would fulfill me for a while but then it would evaporate!

So even when we have Christ there is still a sense of brokenness because we will always be incomplete without Christ or because we fail to fully inherit all the blessings in the kingdom! When we feel empty its because a huge part of our vessel longs for God! Maybe we need to hear a Worship song, preaching, Seek HIS FACE through prayer or read the WORD! Either way we can get filled up with more things of GOD! Thank you Lord for everything! You are ALPHA and Omega Wonderful Counselor, the Almighty God! The Deliverer, Provider, Prince Of Peace! Jesus is all we need: Col 2:10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

Now lets get one thing straight the Broken are the Lost. People think the most Broken are homeless people! It is true for the most part but not always! Someone who has every material possession, high status, and educational degrees is also broken! Their soul is filled up with all these temporary things that will fade away! It may be difficult to acknowledge it but even the most powerful people who look like they have it all together are walking around with a gaping Hole that says JESUS and they dont even know it! The guy who walks around like he's too cool for school and is Mr. Popular may be the one who needs Christ the most but his superficial image prevents him from getting to know the Lord! This kid may be dying to meet Christ but have had a rough life and these barriers and insecurities prevented him from fully engaging in a relationship with GOD! Others have lost all of their family and have no where to go or turn to, but CHRIST! Although I pray that everyone comes to Christ, I enjoy seeing when the Real Broken come to Christ because they offer their whole bodies as sacrifices for the LORD to operate and USE THEM!

The homeless guy,the overweight kid who is ridiculed, and abuse victim is looking for the profound healing that only Christ can offer! It is not only the really downtrodden that need Christ, we do too! The Pariahs in society are the most thirsty because they have no back up plans and nobody to support them so they are looking for someone who will accept them just as they are (JESUS)! Many other people do as well and although we may not show it explicitly, the Longing for the Lord is still in our souls which is why we worship status, people, possessions (cars), idols, etc. Last weekend I went to a Bible study and found out that everybody there had a sense of brokenness! WE all needed to be mended and healed by the Lord! The next day we prayed for someones household and led a family member to CHRist in the household who was a recovering alcoholic and who the family gave up on and has isolated. In his face there was a little bit of everybody who is Lost and is in dyre need of Christ! His soul just crossed into eternity and so will many others if we continue to look for the opportunities to preach the gospel and love people! I spoke about the woman at the well in one of my previous Blogs! Jesus told the woman "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst". Everybody may be Thirsty, but HOW THIRSTY ARE YOU ????????????????

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fear of Failure

Picture this, you are standing on a cliff and are looking down! Trepidation is reaking from your face, you are totally speechless. Not only that but you cant move as you look down at the 20,000 foot descent! As you can imagine this emotion that you are experiencing is fear! Fear paralyzes, it impairs your cognitive function, inhibits your rationale, incapacitates your well being, steals your hope, and destroys faith! Fear is the biggest obstacle between you and the objective. If somebody who has arachnaphobia, wants to cross a road and comes across a spider, he/she will not cross the road!

Fear is a spirit according to the Bible and it is from the enemy. Not only does it come from Satan it is the the opposite of faith! Fear will cause you to question what could've happened instead of knowing what should've happened! Fear has the power to block the destiny the Lord has for them! The enemy has designed fear to block the purpose the Lord has for somebody's life! Fear crushes people's dreams, sets them back in their endeavors, and minimizes faith! According to scripture Hebrews 11:1 "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The First man on the moon, first black president, Moses, Jesus? These were people that would be remembered as ones who were not overcome by the fear of failing! They took necessary risks to accomplish what the Lord created them to do!

The only thing worse than Fear is Fear of failure! When people are looking for jobs applying to school, or even just talking to a girl the insidious nature of fear stops them from going forward! Its author is the Devil and its purpose is to rob people of the destiny God has for them. Fear can also b driven by insecurity and worry which also pertains to the kingdom of darkness!

Fear can ruin a successful business, cause somebody to commit suicide, and even lead somebody to turn their back on the Lord! It can be destructive to relationships and can ruin something that was made beautiful in the Lord's eyes! It is the primary inhibitor of success and can disrupt peace in somebody's life. The awesome thing is that there is refuge for those that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! Can I get a witness?

The antidote for fear is faith! In the Word it says faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God! Our belief in Jesus Christ is based on faith, since we were saved by grace through faith. Finding out root of the fear of failing is the first step to conquering it. Maybe its being unsure about the future, a traumatic event from childhood, possible success if action is carried out, peoples'opinions and oppositions to our goals, inability to surrender to God, or unbelief! Without faith its impossible to please GOD! Fear actually annoys God so the next huge step in conquering fear is trusting in the Lord with all your heart! This will relieve most fear! Once you trust in the Lord you know He wont let you fail even if you take a risk. You may attempt to achieve your goal several times but ultimately He wont let you fail! Psalms 27:1 says "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear ? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid". Meditating on this scripture can dismantle fear and is used in Spiritual warfare books to combat the spirit of fear! Assuming the risk is half the battle the other half is overcoming the fear of a major or minor decision!

Another way to eradicate fear of failure is found in the scripture 2 timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." The love that the Lord has for us drives out the fear! 1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." The blameless and unconditional love that God has for us wipes away all fear because he wouldn't want to harm nor punish us so why should we fear! According to His word in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

God loves us so much that He wouldn't want to harm us nor cause us to fear! He has a plan for everybody but in order to fulfill the plan He has for you, you must let go of fear and surrender to the Lord's will! His power, love, faith and strength will be sufficient to carry you through to your destination even when the waters get murky! Remember the opposite of fear is faith and the Jesus is our exemplary for how to activate faith as we needed faith to believe that he is the King of Kings and that He rose again and we were granted eternal life! Fear is preventing you from who God has created you to be and what he has created us to do! Today instead of letting fear dominate our lives let us choose to activate FAITH!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Step into your Calling

Picture this, one of foot is in the quicksand and my other one is on concrete! Automatically there in is an unbalanced state! The equilibrium is offset! All of a sudden you become weaker, there is disorder and you begin to stumble, you become confused, scared, and your foundation lacks stability!

This state is exactly what happens when we are in the outer courts. If one has one foot in the kingdom and one in the World it becomes difficult to attain the fullness of measure in Christ! It is similar to devoting half your time studying medicine and the other half studying architecture! Individuals will never be able to maximize their potential because an individual will only be half as successful as one could have been since their time and diligence is split in half! God's desire is to use us and anoint us with His spirit but it requires devotion to the things of his Kingdom and significantly less of this world! He said in his Word, seek me and ye shall find me when you seek me with all your heart!

When you have one foot in the world you are not giving him your whole heart. Therefore it will be difficult to find Him and ultimately discover His will for your life! If you don't find His will for your life, you definitely cant find your calling! All of this leads to a domino effect and it starts with total submission to God's will by having both feet in the kingdom. Once we have both feet in the kingdom we can truly step into our calling because now the Lord can ordain our steps and we are seeking him with our whole heart and not a half heart! As opposed to when we have one foot in the world and one in the kingdom it becomes difficult to take forward steps as we will be taking one step forward and another backward since we are directing on our own steps while following the Lord's as well which is totally confusing and counter productive!

Once we dive in head first and submerge our wholselves in the kingdom of God, it is then and only then that we can step into our calling! Our calling is very important because everybody has a calling and we must adhere to the calling if we want to make a difference in this world! The other very special thing about a calling is that its like a fingerprint and it is unique to us. What I am called to do nobody else can, even if its the same ministry. Lets say two different people are both called to be teachers in the same subject at the same high school. Each teacher may provide for the students differently and offer a different type of insight! How do we find our calling and what do we do once we find our calling? Well my belief is that we must first enter the Most Holy place and be in his presence through prayer and ask Him abut His will for our life and depending on the type of relationship you have with the Almighty, He will answer you quickly or reveal it to you step by step! Another way we find our calling is through reading and meditation of the word of God!

Once we find our calling and know that it is our purpose in life and the way in which we are serve the Lord then we must sharpen our skills to represent the excellence of the kingdom of God! We will bear fruit and others will be blessed by the calling we have now accepted as an invitation from the Lord! May Christ be reflected in our lives as we ccept the calling he has for our lives! Much love and peace to tthe breathren!

God be the glory Now and Forever,


Friday, September 23, 2011

Dangers of Relationship

I might have discussed this topic before but today I will be going at it from a different angle! What makes a relationship! What makes it last, how do they form, what could go wrong! Usually people develop interest in one another through being around each other and familiarizing yourself with that person! After a while you may be interested in engaging in a relationship.

A relationship is a serious matter! Not only is your life, heart, soul, and mind at stake but your future could be as well! Have you ever wondered why after somebody has a traumatic relationship and breaks up with the person they may either be emotionally unstable or may do irrational things. This is because this person's soul is now intertwined with their partner (soul tie). Once that person decides to break up with you not only are you taking a piece of them with you but they also have a piece you. They may have left stains and wounds in your hearts that will be there for eternity! Jesus in the only ONE that can offer true healing and restoration! People say that time heals wounds but there are plenty of people still suffering from these wounds that are damaging them internally and are having a difficult time overcoming this struggle.

In order to illustrate my first point, take a scenario where a girl has cheated on a guy. He breaks up with her. Now when he engages in a new relationship with another girl he lacks trust while struggling to build a deep connection with his girlfriend. Another scenario is where a woman is in a physically abusive relationship. She terminates the relationship and engages in another one. Now any time she is in a room alone with her new boyfriend she becomes paranoid and hits him or has panic attacks and begins shaking! Insecurity is one of the most self destructive qualities an individual can have when it comes to building a healthy relationship. From experience I know it can inhibit intimacy and cause jealousy which is a big problem in certain cultures. Jealousy is usually accompanied by his brother possessiveness. A man/woman who is jealous is usually possessive! This can destroy a relationship because this person may not trust their partner or think that their companion is too good for them and self sabotage the relationship. Another dimension to this problem is that they may try to control all aspects of your life including mobility (leaving the house to run errands) or apparel amongst many other things! After the breakup this person may potentially become a stalker! All of these spirits: infidelity, abuse, and insecurity can cause serious problems in our personal growth and development as well as future relationships!

People seek relationships for different reasons. Some people may feel alone, others may seek validation, some are looking for love they haven't received from their parents, others are pursuing a relationship in order to fit in with the crowd. For whatever reason people are seeking a sacred bond with the opposite sex (presumably)! This makes sense because God said it is not good that the man should be alone and He created his companion(a woman)! We intrinsically desire to mate or be with someone in a romantic manner because the Lord created man and woman so we can be attracted to one another, this is totally natural! Albeit, who do we engage in a relationship with is the bigger question! People have suffered through custody cases, stalking episodes, and horrible experiences because of jumping into relationships without testing the waters and did not realize they were venturing in perilous terrain! People have acquired psychological, mental, spiritual, and emotional scars after certain relationships!

As children we are innocent and pure, however through the experiences of life our hearts become hardened and we begin to build walls around our hearts that impede formation of strong bonds. The stains left on our hearts definitely affect how we grow and how we become as an adult! Someone who has been through a traumatic break up may need sometime to reflect and see how God can search their heart to heal them before they embark on another soul venture! A relationship is more than just a relationship it is the union of two souls, literally! If God honors the relationship He will reveal it and it will be a fruitful relationship! If you wait on God for the optimal relationship He will sustain it and you will grow to love that person beautifully as the relationship remains healthy! Only the love of Christ can cause a relationship to THRIVE!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Impacting lives

As a human one of the greatest questions in life is how can I leave my mark on this earth, how can I contribute to the improvement of humanity? How can I change the world?

As a Christian my answer would be simple: affecting change in society through Christ! Our society is full of quick fixes and self-helps techniques that fall short because we all have weaknesses that only the Lord can fix! If anybody reading this is perfect please stop now, this does not apply to you! If you admit you are not perfect and have flaws continue reading! There are so many people who need the love of Christ! Most people just want to know that they are accepted and that somebody out there cares for them! Once we show them that we do when everybody else is self absorbed they will listen closely to what we have to say even if they don't agree with everything we say! Christ has the supernatural ability to change lives! That means he will take somebody who views themselves as worthless or insignificant and give them value, significance, love, peace, power, a new heart and spirit, and a new life all at once! Its amazing, He also has the ability to heal both emotionally (some people have some deep wounds, scars, and stains on their hearts) and physically (disease) amongst other capabilities!

Prayer alone can transform lives and I have seen it 1st hand! Because when I pray for people the Lord usually answers! An orphan who was abandoned, abused, and told they shouldn't have been born whether in Dominican Republic or Africa can be given a newfound meaning and HOPE in LIFE! That to me is amazing! This is because of the transformative ability of the love of Christ and his ability to provide a new life!

Through Christ I have had the privilege of touching college students' lives as they have touched mine! When you have Christ you can effectively minister to somebody whos hurting and give them a true and permanent solution to their problems! I love to see how Christ is working at College campuses because this is where people wrestle with the grand questions and struggles in life! It is where people do the majority of their soul searching and are looking for something to follow whether its a philosophy or a religion! Whatever they're looking for they want to make sure its REAL, STABLE, AND THAT IT IT WONT LET THEM DOWN! Christ fulfills all these requirements and even more!

Whatever people look for in relationships Christ can offer: love, acceptance, kindness, joy, caring etc. Humanity is hurting and they are searching for something in their soul that will forever fill the void in their heart! Only GOD can do that, anything else is a quick fix, temporary solution, and cheap imitation! I enjoy speaking to people about Christ because it reveals things they may be struggling with, makes people vulnerable so they can be helped, and causes people to recognize they are in bondage and that they can be liberated through Christ! They don't have to live like this and bondage is not part of "LIFE"! In the natural we have a limit to what we can do but through God there is no limit. Anything is possible with GOD! Through The Lord the impossible becomes possible!

Miracles happen through Christ! This is the coolest thing because they literally change lives whether somebody gets cured of cancer or an abandoned child is reunited with their parents or homeless people become renowned speakers!

I enjoy working with High School and College kids and just loving them the way they are, showing that I care, and that I am here for them whenever they need me! This encouragement and support is what broken souls need and that only Christ can provide! He is the solution to abuse, addiction, depression, anxiety,envy, jealousy, bitterness, poverty and many other problems! The students who live a life that glorifies GOD are rare but are an inspiration to their peers because they are unlike any of them and are TRUE leaders! These individuals are the ones that people confide in when they have burdens! These faithful servants of Christ allow the power of the Holy Spirit to change a generation and make a difference in this world!

I currently mentor or guide a few people and they trust in me which I consider an honor! They share their deepest struggles, pain, and worst thoughts with me! If I didn't have Christ I would not be able to make a profound and lasting impact like the one I am making now! Only Christ has given me the faith, hope, love, strength, peace, understanding, and knowledge to connect with people and touch their lives! Making this profound impact is what I long to do! I also have to make sure I pray consistently and read my Bible so that when somebody comes to me with a serious life/death issue I will be ready to minister and let Christ's power flow through me! The visions I may have or the words I may speak are not mine they are God's! The feeling you get when you know you have made a lasting difference in somebody's life is invaluable!

The responsibility of making an impact on people's lives through Christ and preaching the gospel is very serious and is not to be taken lightly! People's lives and souls are at stake! I am becoming more aware of that as I grow in Christ! What I say can either save a soul or LOSE one for eternity!

Lord I ask that you continue to reveal my strengths and weaknesses and what areas of growth I should focus so that I will be better equipped to preach to the Lost and serve the breathren! Teach me how to love people even when it may be difficult and care for people when it hurts! Give me a vision, strength, wisdom, hope, and faith to serve the world and impact change forever! Thank You Jesus, in your precious mighty name we pray AMEN!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fighting to Live

Life is hard. There are many struggles, so many emotions, heart breaks! But there are also a victory which can be eternally claimed only through Jesus Christ the Lamb that was slained! 1 Cor 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Many people wonder why they suffer so much in their lives, why they cant sleep at night, or why when they do everything right things don't go their way! The bigger question is can somebody save you from your misery, desperation and/or hopelessness? The answer is Yes! The Lost (everybody who does not have Christ) longs for something they cannot describe! There is a gaping hole they have in their heart that they try to fill with worldly things (partying, drunkeness, girlfriends/boyfriends). The absolute truth is that you can only fill it with GOD the almighty! Everything else will fade away and is only a temporary solution to a permanent problem! This is why people seek experiences that make them feel "alive": Bunjijumping, exercising, climbing a mountain, skydiving, sex, skydiving, scubadiving, and any other athletic activity! When you give your life to Christ and get right with God he will open your spiritual eyes to see the LOST! The reason why humanity has these confused looks on their faces is because We are broken and need a savior!

Jesus is the living water. John 4:13-14 13 Jesus answered and said unto her, "Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, 14but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." After people drink from the well of everlasting life they will never drink from the things of this world because it wont satisfy their thirst! Jesus can satisfy our thirst! This leads me to my next point! People will hunger and thirst after Christ when they see us living lives SOLD OUT (all for) for Christ, my Pastor spoke about this (our lifetsyles must make people thirsty)! What do I mean by this? What I mean is, that when most of the words that come out of our mouths are more things about Christ's love and the gospel rather than Lil waynes song or the next Iphone and when we are choosing to go to a youth revival rather than a club! People (particularly The youth) must come to the realization that they are missing something and are not complete.

The young generation wants something real they don't want anything fake as a man of GOD told me! Jesus called us the Light of the world (Matt 5:14) We cannot be the light and still be in darkness (clubs, strip clubs, drunkeness, premarital sex)! When we are truly the Light and separate ourselves from the world, people will begin to wonder what does this person have/do that is so much better or fulfilling than what I and the rest of society does/has? 1 John 1: This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. Walking in the light, pouring our hearts out at the feet of Jesus, and living a life of Holiness (one that is glorifying God) will create a thirst in people that will make them wonder about the deeper questions in life: what am I on earth for, what happens after we die, how can I impact other people's lives while I'm alive? The only way to get people to wonder, question, and thirst is to have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ and a true hunger for HIM! We cant make people hungry if we are not hungry!

People will hunger and thirst because he is the Living water (John 4:13-14) and the Bread of Life (John 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, "I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." In order to draw people to Christ we have to make them thirsty with our lifestyles! Maybe its the joy that we have, or the unconditional love we demonstrate, or the zeal or the ability to forgive! In addition, devotion to God: Prayer, reading the Bible, fasting, and worship... will strengthen and give power to our testimony! The Boldness to share the gospel will also make people thirsty! They will ask themselves what is so important that a stranger stopped me to tell me something in NYC where most people don't even want to say hi! The peace we have will make people thirsty as well! Your compassion for others will make people thirsty!

Since out of the heart comes, life Proverbs 4:23 "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life". When we accept Jesus into our heart he gives us a new LIFE! Through this New Life we show people what it means to be Born Again! We have new desires: we see, hear, walk, talk, and act different! Jesus can heal all the wounds we have in our hearts! In Order to receive anointing we must surrender all to Jesus and let Him take control! That is the only way the deaf will be able to hear and the Blind will be able to see! We need to display the power of the gospel and of Christ! How do we do that , through our lifestyles! People may not accept you or even abandon you but will never forget how Christ has changed your life and how you are a whole new person!

Christ can offer a new Life! Romans 6:4 "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Today, Christ can offer you a new life life. He has done it for me! All you have to do is say sorry for living a life of Rebellion against God, repent, ask for forgiveness, and acknowledge that Jesus was crucified, died for our sins, and rose again! Then accept him as your personal Lord and savior! Its a simple prayer that will Go a LONG WAY and change your life for eternity!

Let us continue to lay our lives down, carry our crosses daily, and pour our lives out for Jesus Christ! I promise you this generation will become thirsty and revival will break out! A Christ Revolution is imminent! Are you going to be part of it?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Trust in Him II

I was a bit confused and a bit mad at God for leading me on, but by the end of the week I figured it was all part of God's bigger plan and that it wasn't my time for medical school; I wasnt mad at GOD anymore! After that day I was just readjusting to life in the US and realized how spoiled people are and how ungrateful most people are in the US. After the readjustment I continued to go to Times Square Church and meet with people who needed guidance! Ever since the Mission trip and even before I have served as a counselor/mentor for many people in the faith who know and love God or others who are honestly seeking him! I have been told various times that I should be a pastor and although I have denied those claims or possible promises from God but the Lord hasn't spoken to me directly about that! Albeit, I know I can be a pastor and still practice medicine! I have a strong desire to grow his kingdom and a devotion to Jesus Christ! I just don't know what the Lord wants to do with them as of yet, but I'm still confused!

Whatever it is though, Im ready, we have many disparities in our urban communities and I want to intervene as far as college placement and mentoring is concerned! I'm ready to be a vessel for the Lord! I do know this: whether I will be a youth Pastor, an evangelist, or doctor, I will pour out my all at the foot of the Cross! I know Jesus will change the people I interact with forever. I want to dive into the WORD like never before and learn more about the LORD and receive the blessings that the Lord has in store for me! I am building my faith so when the trials come in ministry I will stay standing and that my foundation is rock solid which will prevent me from being deceived!

God has ruled sovereign and will continue to do so! I am looking to establish a Bible study in my house to fulfill the need for some of my friends and new converts or people that are looking to grow in Christ and need a word of encouragement! I must seek deep intimacy with Him and my desires need to be aligned with His desires in order to discover my destiny in His eyes! IN this journey staying the course is tough and time after time I have encountered perilous waters but the Lord calms those waters and manages to get me through the storm! I would love to fix my eyes on HIM and to love everybody regardless if they get along with me or not! I will continue to seek Him and to trust that HE will make a way or direct my paths!

Prayer: Lord we thank you and bless your name for everything you are! You have come as a man to become our sin on the cross. You are strong and mighty, LORD! Father please give us the patience and steadfastness, faith, hope, and direction! I know You have a calling on my life I just don't know what it is yet! We worship you for who YOU are and are amazed and your wonders and glory! Help us to grow closer to you so that we can lean your will for our life! Give me a passion for your people and a fervent desire to grow in your WORD! I love you LORD! You said you will never leave me nor forsake me, I trust that WORD! reveal yourself to me again and also to my loved ones! IN the mighty, precious, beautiful, name of Jesus, IN Jesus Name we Pray AMEN!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Trust in Him I

Matt 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
[14] Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

I have reached a division in my life! Its a road that diverges and I must choose a path! This past year I was at Stony Brook getting my Masters and I had the privilege of being part of BASIC a campus ministry! As a new believer in Christ I had a lot of questions, confusion, temptations, and no support system! I could feel the devil attempting to destroy my testimony but above it all the almighty GOD kept me from the fire and delivered me from the pit! Everything happened for a reason and was perfect in its time! I had desired Christian friends and was totally isolated from the world in hopes of escaping temptation. God gave me the grace to sustain myself during this period of no Christian fellowship! I learned a lot about myself, God's children, His love, mercy and grace. I learned about mission trips and still remember the people who ministered in BASIC! I was inspired by the stories that I heard and the people that I met! But most importantly I appreciated the Love and affection that was offered by the people in the club(ministry)! A couple of days after my 1st meeting in BASIC with a girl in the meeting and it was a great pleasure to find out these people really CARED ABOUT ME! Instead of paying taxis, I would get rides home from (who is now) my close friend.

BASIC became my family while I was there! I grew spiritually and prospered. I never expected that simply being a member of a club would open doors for my future career and opportunities to travel! Through BASIC I was bale to impact lives! Many young Christian men sought me for advice! I loved mentoring so me filling that void was meant to be!

Now the Academic aspect of my year at Stony Brook had its trials! More than one time I was on the brink of failing a test or a class but by God's grace I was able to pass those classes/exams. The Masters I did was linked with the medical school! After all the challenges and close calls during the school year I still fulfilled the minimum GPA requirement but still had to fulfill the MCAT requirement! I took the MCAT in January 2011 and earned a 24 MCAT which is the score they required, however I fell short in one section by 2 points! So I retook it after I finished school in late June! However I went to Nigeria in Mid July and I left a couple of days before I received my score. I could have checked my results in Nigeria but I didn't want to get distracted from God's work and mess up my Missionary trip. Well when I returned from Nigeria with so much zeal the first thing I did was check my score. I checked one section first and saw a 5, then looked at the total score and was completely blown away. I was disgusted, ashamed, shocked, and felt like a failure and feelings of inadequacy began to sink IN!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Crucifying the Flesh II

Moreover being in the flesh can have some harsh consequences whether its damaging a relationship or falling into sexual temptation! The Lust of the Flesh is a tool the enemy uses to stifle self control! Whenever we let our guard down and stop praying, our worldly thoughts, ways, and worse off the Lust of the Flesh creeps up as the prince of the AIR swoops in, takes over, and attempts to quench the Holy Ghost! Recently I met with a female and my emotions got out of hand because of the way we interacted! When I was in the world I used to seek girl's love for validation as I was insecure! Satan saw this as an opportunity to keep me bound to the things the Lord delivered me from! I saw that the girl might have shown interest and my emotions began growing, however I was fulfilling the desires of the flesh that were in opposition to God! Proverbs 4:23 "Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life". It is crucial for us to keep our hearts because life emanates from it just as well as it can give way to temptation. Mathew 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. When I am not vigilant over my heart and all the emotions that spring from it, it will affect how I act. Dring this vulnerable state while my guard was down I behaved irrationally and said things I should not have said. Because my mind was not renewed by the Word of God and the flesh overrode the Spirit I let my feelings get the best of me! Self control is one of the most important aspects to living a Christ centered life!

I learned so much from crucifying the deeds of the Body! Being sober-minded not only grounds you in firmness of faith but brings you closer to the Lord! Moreover one you are strongly rooted, you will be well equipped to preach the gospel and draw people near to Christ! As long as we are filled with the Holy Ghost and fix our eyes on Christ people will begin to thirst for the kingdom and our desire to get closer to the Lord and to serve him will grow! Prayer: Lord before we were slaves to sin Please make us slaves to righteousness and give us the strength to fight the lust of the flesh and the passions of our sinful nature! We thank YOU for pouring down your love upon us and showing us your grace and mercy! Please keep our minds purified and maintain us as sanctified Vessels! May we pursue holiness and righteousness with all our heart! We are ambassadors for Christ, now we must live like it!

Galatians 5:24 "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. We must sacrifice the flesh in order to gain the Kingdom."

Galatians 6:17 "From now on let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus."

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Crucifying the Flesh I

As a Christian my walk everyday is a battle and the flesh is in constant warfare with the body! Before I came to Christ sin was regular and I didn't view it as sin, I just viewed it as society viewed it: fun, normal behavior, and circumstantial! Although my sinful nature is inherited, it is purified by the blood of lamb! My carnal desires are driven by adultery, envy, greed, anger, strife etc.! Romans 8:13 "for if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. This scripture speaks about killing the flesh in order to live! Death resides in fulfilling the lust of the flesh!

Whenever we quench the spirit, our flesh begins to rise up! Looking at a girls body and thinking sexual thoughts is already committing a sin through our thoughts which is why we renew our mind with the Word! In addition in Corinthians it says we have the mind of Christ! Christ has made us conquerors and he already claimed the victory! However most people don't know this and believe that we are defenseless against a bondage to our sinful thoughts, acts, and the devil's ploys. 1 John2:16 "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." In the Word of God we are told that we are called to be separate from the world and that our citizenship is in heaven! We are called to be consecrated for the Lord and be sanctified through the Holy Spirit! In order for us to be anointed and enter the Most Holy Place we must be clean and be purified, holy, and blameless before HIM! Although we still falter and have flaws! However if you want to receive all the blessings that the Lord has in store for us we must walk in the truth and speak it as well, live as slaves to righteousness! He wants to use us but when we defile the temple of the Holy Ghost we prevent the Lord from using us mightily! The pastor at Times Square Church said that when we live our lives people must Thirst for God and wonder whats so different about us! When we preach the gospel or speak the Word we want people to be engaged and we also want some miracles to happen! The only way the deaf ears and blind eyes are opened is through preaching the Word but you must be anointed if you want people's hearts to be opened and get convicted when you speak, to plant a firm seed, or lead people to Christ!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trip to Nigeria II

Backtracking now, we arrived in Abuja airport when we landed in Nigeria, spent a few days in Enugu, Port Hacourt,and Jos. Before we went to Osunu village we went to a local university in Godfrey Okoye University Enugu where Uncle George (missionary leader, pastor, and biotechnologist) delivered a lecture on Genetics. He also taught a group of Junior Biochemistry majors about basic Genetics and one of our missionaries (Chioma) taught them basic lab techniques such as DNA extraction and Gel electrophoresis. The governor of Enugu state and the president of the university stopped by the lab. It was amazing to see the transformation over 2 days. The first day they could barely hold pippettes {lab instruments} and the next day they knew how to perform PCR {polymerase chain reaction} (fundamental lab technique) on their own. This was an awesome opportunity to minister to the college students. Two people gave their lives to Christ!

Later on that weekend Auntie Ude (missionary Leader, wife of uncle George, and Nurse practitioner) delivered a lecture on Breast Cancer. We left Enugu and traveled to Port Harcort where we visited some family and stayed at a friends house. From there we flew back to Abuja and then drove to Jos. Recently Jos had some Christian-Muslim conflicts where they were bombing churches and killing Christians. Although most people pleaded us not to go we confided in the Lord and had faith that the Lord would protect us from all harm. Our missionay leader was bold and lived a lufe for God: it was total self denial. The Lord literally delivered us form teh mouth of a Lon at Jos we had the blessed opportunity of touring the Faith Alive Hospital: A Non profit organization founded by Brother Chris who studied and Case Western and went back to Nigeria to serve. The organization offers free medical care for the surrounding community in Jos. They have a free HIV clinic, social work, pharmacy, surgery, OB-GYN and regular general physicians. I was fortunate enough to witness 3 surgeries:2 herniographies and 1 herniotomy! It was amazing because patients prayed before their surgeries and the doctors did as well! The faith the patients demonstrated was startling! They barely had local anesthesia to use for the patients. So they numbed the area and sometimes the anesthesia would wear off and the patients would feel the excruciating pain and scream! There were no big lights and no machines to detect the vitals except a blood pressure cuff. In addition there was an aluminum bed tray that the patients layed on with a cover for the patients body and that was it. The resources were scarce but the surgeon was a woman of God and she operated with so much grace and seemed so happy to serve her people. She inspired me to give back to a developing country when I become a trained medical professional! So then we left Jos and went back to Abuja!

We went back to Abuja and attended a youth conference on Saturday which was really cool. Uncle George preached a sermon, His kids and Idara (other college student and aspiring Physician assistant) sang a song, Idara ministered a solo spoken word, and Chioma delivered an exhortation (minisermon)! The youth seemed really engaged and some went to the altar call and accepted Christ! I pray and hope that the Lord touched their hearts! The last day(Sunday) before we left we went to an orphanage in Abuja I believe. The orphanage housed orphans, mentally ill, HIV patients, street boys and street girls(young teens that run away from home and live in abandoned buildings). Nuns ran the orphanage and you could see ghe love of Christ in them. They really cared for the orphans. We brought toys and other gifts for the orphanage. I would have loved to spend more time in the orphanage but the schedule did not allow! Then we visited Pastor Gary's house (college friend of Uncle George). After that we went back to the mission guest house and got some rest before departing in the morning!

The vision Uncle George is to help Nigeria expand their exports by genetic engineering and cultivation of certain crops. He also wants to teach his community and the country of Nigeria how to sustain themselves, train Nigerian professionals that will travel to the US and establish themselves, come back to Nigeria, help rebuild the country and spread the vision of redesigning Africa! We traveled from Nigeria to the UK and from the UK back to the US. During the trip back home I meditated on the journey and was convinced that I would never forget the experience and that no experience I ever had either home or abroad could compare! It was truly an eye-opening experience that made me realize all the amenities and resources I have in the US. In addition it proved to me that God brings hope to those who are in despair, he transforms people, and that he is powerful, mighty, majestic, performs Miracles whenever he wants to, and He will protect in you in your darkest hour and when you are most vulnerable! I want to thank all the saints (Christians) who helped us while we were in Nigeria, gave us shelter, food, love, and warm welcomes! I will never forget any of the breathren I met while in Nigeria and you will remain in my prayers! God Bless you and may the Lord continue to prosper you until we meet again!

Ruth 2:12
May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done

Trip to Nigeria I

The Road is bumpy in the back of my mind I wondered if we would make it in one piece! As we approach our destination I was thinking to myself I haven't seen this many potholes since the Bronx. The natural rocks and the abundant greenery has formed picturesque scenery, man it looks like its straight out of a catalogue. The air has left a fragrance of incense! I saw a goat on the side of the road. As I noticed the faded red cross on a stone building I figured it was a hospital. Then reality hit me when I saw the sign that said Osunu Village, I woke up and told myself DUDE you are in Nigeria lol!

Although my trip didnt start there, these were one of the many adventures I had while in Nigeria. It was a whole new world, with new people, new customs, new culture, new politics, new social norms, new foods, and best of all a new faith experience! Before going to Nigeria I had many expectations and desires for the trip however I had no idea of how Powerful God was. Matter of fact prior to this year I did not think He could move the way He does. Ever since I accepted Jesus as my Lord in Savior (last summer) He has been doing incredible things in my life! He brought me out of the captivity to drunkeness, addiction to club life, low self esteem, and suicidal thoughts! Ever since I have been putting my trust in Him he has done miracle after miracle and he ceases to amaze me! Nigeria was no different!

For the two weeks while we were in Nigeria there wasn't one day God didn't surprise me!
Every day was a surprise from God, I didnt know what to expect. Our first experience was a village outreach. The people gathered in the venue where the village has community events. In Nigeria the major tribes are Igbo, Yoruba, and Housa. The people in the Osunu village were from the Igbo tribe. As the people came in I observed that most of the adults wore natives while the younger kids wore plain clothes. In addition there seemed to be more women than men as they registered on a paper and received a number for their names to be called for assessment of vitals (Blood pressure, temperature), a consultation from a doctor, medication, and pastoral counseling! Everything was FREE 99. Yes you heard me FREE! The system was efficient and flowed nicely! Everybody was delegated a task except me. I didnt see it as any negligence but I decided to take initiative and felt the Lord telling me to go speak to people. As I saw 3 young women congregate I seized the opportunity. I approached them, introduced myself, and we began talking about God. While we were conversing I asked them if they were "saved" or when they gave their lives to Christ. A young lady named Marrit answered yes, I was born Christian! I responded in a polite tone: how is that? She answered well I have been Christian since I was a little girl, my mom is a Christian. I began to explain salvation to her and told her that one must be born again in order to be a true Christian. When she understood salvation I asked her a simple question: would you like to accept Christ into your heart. She was skeptical and was a bit uneasy. I reassured her how her life was going to change as a result of her commitment to Christ. She agreed to say the prayer with me and gave her life to Christ! Her sister did so also! I felt an enormous amount of joy in my heart! After the outreach we shared stories and some of the ladies had sky rocketing blood pressures (200s). About five or so people gave their hearts to Christ! I didn't expect that! The next day it was twice as many villagers and more people helping out.

The Lord always has a twist in our lives. I had the privilege to meet Marit's Mom who claimed to be a born again Christian. She began to speak and she was like a fire-breathing dragon: the word she preached was intense! So intense that my missionary leader came over to me and asked me if everything was alright. I told him everything was ok. Although she was so humble, she was very passionate about the Lord that her speech and face showed it. In my whole year of being Christian I had never encountered somebody with such fervor, desire, and passion for Jesus. She briefly spoke about sanctification then began talking about persecution in the village and the spiritual warfare that exists. She pointed out two men who she identified as idolatrers (men who worshiped ancient gods and offered sacrifices). She began saying that they lash out against the Christians and seek to do harm against them by conjuring spirits and wishing horrible things upon them. Some of her family members developed these skin lesions as a result of their spells and demonic assaults. However through prayer and covering with the Blood of Jesus the demons fled! As I ministered to Marrit, her Mom, a friend, and a woman with a baby I heard a loud and uncanny noise in the back of the room! I turn to see what was all the commotion and I see a guy yelling in agony, twitching and shaking as if he just came out of an arctic pond. I speculated and thought it was a demonic possession. My speculation was confirmed when I asked uncle George (Missionary leader) if it was a demonic possession. He calmly answered yes and said"its a minor one though". One of the pastors on the deliverance team gently placed his hands on his neck and side and casted out the demon. I thought to myself if its a minor one I don't think I am ready for a major one lol! This was an incredible experience that strengthened my faith as the gospels where Jesus and the disciples casted out demons came to Life. This reminded me not to doubt the power and might of our great God. The authority vested on us through Christ allows us to do awesome things like cast out demons.

Later on that day I had a small conference with all the young men and boys in the village where I got their name, email, age, and any health complaints. The most common health complaint was worms in their stomachs. Most of them were still in the world and ranged from ages 9-17. One particular young man sticks out in my memory Onye which was an abbreviation for his Igbo name. He began telling me about the stress and social pressure he was experiencing from his family: he was the oldest (first born) and in the igbo culture the firstborn is in charge of the family and takes care of their financial, medical, spiritual, academic, and any other needs. However he was out of a job and had no way of providing for his younger brothers and sisters (juniors). As I gave him some funds it broke my heart to know he did not have the funds to sustain himself nor provide food or medical attention for his family. The worse part of the story is that all the weight beared on his shoulders! However the miraculous part of the story is that I prayed for him and I trust that GOD will provide. If its one thing that I have learned about God s I have drawn closer to him is that HE answers prayers. When we trust Him, have faith in Him, believe with our heart, and prophesy based upon His word He is faithful to grant us our desires if its in His Will!

Before we left Osunu Village Uncle George declared and decried prosperity and liberation from bondage in that whole village. He also rebuked the ancient Gods (idols) that people worshipped. He has forever shown me to claim and establish Godly authority over any house I enter. The power of the Lord was present and was so much more than I expected!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Lost generation

Our generation is the most unchurched generation ever! You can blame the advent of cell phones and the internet, media, absentee fathers and the system! All of these are relevant and do play a role! But the thing that this generation is missing is Christ! Our generation has very few leaders! The previous generation had Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa, and the one before that had Ghandi (who used the teachings of Christ)! These leaders mobilized the masses, challenged the norm, and fought for the rights of the broken, underserved and downtrodden! Above all these leaders gave a vision to the generation, inspired a message of hope, and gave them a true purpose through the gospel of Christ! They gave them new rules to live by! In a day where immorality is so pervasive in our culture it has become moral behavior! No disrespect to anybody with tattoes but many people I believe did not think about getting a tattoo before they saw others getting inked up! I dont judge because it says it in the word, but we have reached an era of copycatism! The majority of people follow what others around them say and do without questioning the act or giving it critical thought! Friends with the negative influences are generally more popular than the ones with the positive influences! The children of this generation are lost and are looking for a cause to live. What does this indicate about the society: a lack of GOD!

The enemy has taken over our children's minds, schools, gangs, patience and sanity! Kids in urban neighorhoods are throwing their lives away for the sake of PRIDE. A typical snenario is in where guy-1 and guy-2 get into an altercation which escalates into a fist fight! Guy 1 ends up beating up Guy 2! Guy 2 then goes home to get a gun and kills guy 1! The action was carried out to show that he is not to be messed with and that was it! This happens at least multiple times in the summer in Harlem and the Bronx (two of the poorest areas in New York City)! Most youth who have no direction, will end up in jail, murdered or a murderer, hurting someone or badly being hurt! Many of these youngsters would disagree! When you have no idea that you were created for a purpose and you live like its your last day (in a bad way) you will inevitably hurt (emotionally, physically, and psychologically) others around you, and possibly injure them! When a young person has Christ in their life, not only will he/she have less time to be idle but they will separate themselves from the world and serve as an example to those around them.

People desire love, affirmation, acceptance, and to be cared for: it is what most people long for! Our current teenagers have very few positive role models, and are trying to find out what their purpose is in life! Therefore since they lack direct guidance and do not have somebody to lead they will follow anything. Everybody is searching for a purpose and the truth. They need Christ to transform them and purify them of all unrighteousness! The many stabbings, shootings, molestations and kidnapping of the youth is much more a spiritual emptiness rather than a societal ill! The youth and adolescents need something to believe in! In addition some of them lack fathers so God can be there heavenly Dad! If more youth get saved (give their lives to Christ) then their peers too will give their hearts to Christ! The ones who are saved will lead their friends to Christ! Trusting confiding, and hoping for something that promises eternal life is awesome! Young people who are followers of Christ Jesus now have God in their lives and know God has a purpose for there life, and an eternal peace! A teenager who lacks direction is easily subject to any demonic spirits (depression, lust, anger) and falls prey to false ideologies and teachings! In addition anybody who does not believe that God has a plan for their life will probably view themselves as insignificant which will lead them not value their lives and culminates in driving them to commit many risky acts such as shooting stabbing, or fighting!

Lord I pray that the young people who are saved and will be saved are covered by your blood, protected and kept in the name of Jesus. Lord, Prosper them, keep their paths straight, and build fellowship as well as praying, fasting and reading the bible! In Jesus name we pray AMEN! I hope that this generation is the answer to grandma's prayers [SEEK GOD FIRST! ABOVE ALL ELSE]!

Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

New World Part II

Prior to getting saved I was depressed (right after college)! The person who I thought to be me wasnt! In college I was suave, papi chulo, the dancer, popular, and quite the socialite! My image became my idol, I cared about what I wore, what cologne I put on, the next hottest dance move, and the girls I associated and fornicated with! I was slave to sin! Unforgiveness ruled my heart! Well fastforward to graduation. I left Syracuse and went to back to the Bronx! All the false identities that I thought were true began crashing down every fast, which I had not time to prepare for! I though I was socially significant(all of a sudden I was in environment where nobody knew me except my parents and family)! I thought I was dancer (but now I didn't get to dance as much because there were no groups such as the ones on campus)! I realized that my ego was superficially inflated and that it consisted of external praise and affirmation! I began to seek out poetry as a way to deal with these internal conflicts and different ways to cope with this identity crises! I sought out self help books, friendly advice, and even saw a psychologist! Then thoughts of paranoia would devour my mind: (Im not good enough, why is that person laughing are they laughing at me, what will people think of me if I do so and so, does she find me attractive, can I beat that guy up, why did she only say this negative thing to me?) The thoughts would go on and on! I struggled with low self esteem and suicidal thoughts! Then I was recommended to read A Purpose Driven Life! I began reading it and was instantly magnetized to the book! After reading the book, I began reading the Bible everyday and at the time I was working in a hospital which was a very stressful environment where I was surrounded by darkness! I was amazed at how much the Word of God gave me peace and the rest. God is truly a source of power! So April 2010 is when the fight happened and when God opened my eyes!

Then in July 2010 I was invited to this event by the organizer of the dance group I was part of in college and went to the event (which was in Brooklyn)! I went to the event and saw teens falling out, a heavy set man on stage screaming surrender to God! The scene was just dramatic and a bit frightening to be honest! I attended a workshop and heard a message where the pastor said that if you claim to be a Christian but everybody around you does not know you are a Christian then there is a problem! The words pierced through my heart and I was never the same again! I accepted my Lord and savior Jesus Chris that night with no altar call! As I was walking to the train station I felt a certain warmth that I had never felt before and I felt different! So I told God that Im never looking back! So that I did, I backslid twice (went to two clubs: in Mexico and in New York). Both times I felt convicted by the Holy Spirit and felt empty inside! So I made a promise to God to devote my life to Him before I went back to school for my Masters. Through reading the Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through me, attending the campus Christian fellowship filled with the Holy Ghost, and attending Christian conferences I was able to grow!

All of these things helped me grow in the Lord at an astonishing rate! I went to two conferences in the Spring which were my turning point! One of the conferences showed how this generation is the one to lead the world and affect change! There were massive amount of youth younger than me: 14-22! It was amazing to see so many young people on FIRE FOR GOD! Then in April 2011 I went to another conference where I witnessed somebody giving their life to Christ as well as the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and opportunities to witness: Word of knowledge where God tells you something about somebody! God told the pastor about three people: One person had a heart problem that did not allow him to participate in Sports and he prophesied over him that He will speak in large capacities about the Lord! I was amazed at how powerful God is! Then I finished up my school year and decided I was going on a mission trip! So now its approximately 4 weeks until I depart for my mission trip and I am syked like I cannot contain the excitement! However I am aware of the peril and severity that lies ahead! As I have heard of kidnappings and killings in the area, but it did say in the Bible that Jesus’ followers will be persecuted! However, in Josh 1:9 it says Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." God will deliver me from my enemies and I believe that with all my heart! Bless God is He is so faithful, just, righteous and good to me! Gloria al Senor! I will have testimonies of the amazing things God did over there when I come back! In Jesus Name!

Man God is amazing! He has been so faithful! When you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior and lay your life down for God he will turn your life around and either give you a purpose or redefine it! It is a never ending adventure with God! I am closing in on a year in Christ! This year is very symbolic for me as it marks 1 full year being a slave to righteousness and liberated in Christ! One year of being tempted, confused, prospered, strengthened, lifted up, enlightened, and blessed! The Lord has delivered me from the pit! The life in the world does not compare to the life in the Lord! Before I skepticized that the Lord had a plan for my life! Now I know He does! Praise be to God and glory to Him in the Highest! I know there are greater things to come, we will just have to wait and see! God is awesome! I pray that everybody reading this will open their heart and hear my story as well as open their eyes to see the TRUTH! I pray that people will trust in the Lord and nothing else! Thank you brothers and sisters for allowing me to share my thoughts! Thank you Jesus for this time of communion! Protect and keep your children wherever they are remind them that you are King and we are your heirs: princes and princesses! In Jesus name we pray!


Phil 3:8 What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Born Again- Relationships

I dont know what to say! I feel like its the beginning and end of a very important stage in my life! Its amazing man! God has revealed to me during the very short time I have been walking with Him that he will surely give you a treasure but you must devote yourself to Him, trust in Him, clinch dearly to FAITH, love, respect, and glorify HIM, endure the persecutions and the trials to gain the eternal prize! He is everything people have looked for: Consideration, acceptance, kindness, Peace, Comfort, Trust, Energy, Passion, Light, Healing, a Father, a brother, stability, food, a refuge, satisfaction, and MOST OF ALL LOVE!

Some people spend their whole lives searching for the truth and never find it, but some do! Those that do will rest with Jesus (who is seated at the right hand of the throne) for eternity! Every problem in the world is either rooted in SIN or in seeking refuge in worldly things! One great example is relationships! Young girls crave attention and validation from the opposite sex! At age 13 females are already engaging in sex! Yes part of it is lack of maturity about how to handle the emergence of their newly acquired bodily features from precocious puberty! Some of them flock towards guys who promise them the world or just frankly give them attention and give their bodies in return for attention or "love"! Prebuscent maturation is a problem within itself and absentee fathers just exacerbate the situation. Certain young females begin to be dependent on their partners or boyfriends for the love and affirmation their biological (absentee) fathers were not able to provide ; ultimately turning their beloved other into an idol! These females unfortunately are very vulnerable. In many situations the couples are engaging in promiscuous behaviors and unprotected sex which can lead to an STD or unexpected pregnancies leading to teenage mothers! One of the STDS is HIV (which has killed plenty of people young and old) and is something not to play around with! Although I believe babies to be blessings from the Lord, I also understand that you want to give your baby all it deserves. One should strive to raise it in the most emotionally, mentally, socially, physically, spiritually and psychologically stable environment! This is very important for the rearing of children and raising the most healthy baby!

All people want to do is be loved, accepted, heard, understood and cared for! Many people claim to find themselves in other individuals or say that their partner is their other half! this can be very dangerous!!!!! In finding yourself you lose who are because you gave so much to that person! If you guys do break up, the break up will destroy the person that totally immersed themselves in the relationship since your ex is now part of you:(soul tie)! One may wonder why females or male may stalk their exes? Its because that person invested all of their emotions into a person and that person became their everything, but let them down! This is normal if you dont worship a higher power. These females were unable to control their emotions as well. Not only that but that person becomes your god since you see them so much and invest so much energy into the relationship! Guys do what they think ascertains or defines their manhood! For most men they think having multiple sexual partners is being a man machismo)! Others hide behind their sexual endeavors and escapades to mask their insecurities and superficially elevate their self esteem! Some males have some trouble controlling their emotions and hormones while others don't want to have sex but do it to be part of the in crowd! There is also a population of males that are missing love and look to girls and sexual relationships for comfort, acceptance and love! Another population of males never had a mother so become bitter, abuse girls, and under-validate them! I personally fit into two categories; I was looking for acceptance and was following the societal norm! However, I did feel disgusted afterwards! If we replaced our boyfriends with Jesus there would be less tragic break-ups, heartbreaks, stds, murders rooted in jealousy, unexpected pregnancies, and abortions! Jesus is the answer to whatever we seek in the world!

The Lord tears down idols because He wants us to put Him First: which makes sense since He sent his Son to the earth to show us how to live, to be crucified on the cross, and be resurrected! We may feel rejected, deserted, and alone but the Lord will comfort us and love us unconditionally! God deserves all the praise and all the Glory and all The honor for what He has done in my life and in the life of others! PRAISE GOD and Glory to the highest, Ruler of heaven and earth, my ROCK, my DELIVERER King over every dominion!

Monday, April 11, 2011

New World Part I

A bit disoriented to say the least, surprised to be honest, and joyful to be exact! I dont know how I got here, I'm in a New World like the western hemisphere! I have been transformed and I don't know how it happened but God does! See it was weird to be praising the Lord on a Saturday night when I used to hit da club and get drunk! Now I'm giving glory to Him on a Saturday! If you would have told me this a year ago (that I would have been in a Christian fellowship and worshiping God on a monday) not even in my wildest dreams I would have imagined this! The Lord takes you on adventures you don't expect and brings you to places you may not have thought of! See I wanted to become a physician and save the Lord without letting God do his work, I thought I was capable of salvaging the world form its misery without HIM! Boy was I wrong, God turned my life around, he taught me that He is in control! Only he can change me, deliver me and cleanse me! To God be the Glory

I really don't understand how I got here, God is amazing and He can change your will , emotions, and desires! An intimate relationship with Him cannot be compared to anything else in the world! I learn from the older folk I meet that come to Christ in there 40s and have found the Lord! They regret being in the world and seeking worldly things to comfort, satisfy, and to fill them up, to only end up empty! Yes empty: the girls the clothes, the cars, monetary success, educational degrees, athletic prizes, and money will leave you desiring for more ultimately falling short of the void that lays in your soul! It may look like people have fun but ultimately they depend on alcohol, relationships, relatives, philosophy, or ordinary poems to seal the gap that the Lord made us with to allow HIM to fill us up! And all else will only leave you thirsting for more of God!

People find God in many different ways; I have heard plenty of testimonies! One woman was a crack addict and was delivered from drug addiction! Another man I spoke to had demons chasing him and taking over his life! However when he gave his life to Christ the demons were rebuked and he found peace in God! This guy was adopted at a young age and committed many crimes, partook in gang violence, and dabbled with drug dealing which culminated in a short stint at the juvenile detention center! Other testimonies that will be heard is from women who were saved in Prison! One of the ministries from the church I attend (TimesSquareChurch) went to Rikers Island and spoke to inmates and also ministered poetry! Once the inmates heard the poetry they started balling and began to cry unwarrantedly and incessantly! They did an altar call and more than 50 percent of the women gave their lives to Christ! To God be the Glory! Other testimonies are not as dramatic but yet are still significant: people who grew up in the Church and then found the Lord after going through their own trials! As for me I was one who was deep in the world: drinking, partying, club scenes! I always wanted to be validated and people's external perceptions really mattered a lot to me! I was imprisoned by other's thoughts, attitudes, and emotions towards me! I also felt empty inside and sought to fill that void with worldly things such as girls, money, sports, personal accomplishments, drinking, dancing, money, clubbing, and self help books! I sought happiness and satisfaction in everything you can imagine! But then God revealed to me through a huge fight I instigated that I was headed down the broad path of destruction! He showed me that I had to follow him by giving my heart to Him or I would be ruined! Since this foreshadowing I began to regret what happened and guilt sunk in, I thought about it alot and it made me distraught( little did I know this was the enemy amplifying these negative thoughts)!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Eight months in Christ, yeah just 8 months! Cant it be 8 years already. Alot of times I ask myself why I'm so impatient with time its like I desire to be older and then reminisce about your youth! I guess I'm impatient because I am eager to see what the Lord will do in my life in the next ten years: how much I would have grown, how many people I may have touched! Also I also want time to fly because everyday is a struggle! I find it more and more difficult everyday to run this race, to keep a steady pace, and to walk in Christ!

I feel like I am growing at an exponential rate (at like 500 mph) and I cant slow down! Its hard to put my thoughts together especially so late at night but I've had a busy day. First Stony Brook loses in a thriller (which was in Boston, yeah we drove out there), then I go to this step show and the dancers and steppers were amazing and blessed! Nevertheless it had so much secular music it made me sick! Everybody was singing most of the songs except me! This is where the confusion set in! I asked myself am I out of place or is it that everybody is doing the right thing and I'm the odd-ball out? Then I saw all these attractive girls in these provocative outfits and Lust started to invade my heart. During the show some girls began to give me seductive looks and started to revive worldly thoughts! To cap it off a couple of people asked me to attend the after party and I had to refuse as it is not "Godly"! Then I second guessed myself. Have I been taught to do certain things as a Christian and abstain from other activity because it is frowned upon in the Christian world or is it a voluntary decision that I made in m heart?

I think I'm gonna go ahead and answer my own question! It was the latter and nobody told me to stp clubbing I decided because I felt convicted then I met other people who were serious about their walk with Christ and stopped clubbing! The enemy loves to confuse us and deceive us into thinking that walking in the darkness is as normal as breathing(that it is something we must do), He is a liar! But it is incumbent upon us as Christians to pick up and carry our cross daily and to deny thyself not just say it! In Corinthians it says come out from amongst them, in John it says we are not of the world and in Matthew it says we must be salt and light! We must maintain separate from the world and demonstrate to others that we are different (not better). This indicates that what Im doing is the right thing and avoiding the devil's lair (which is where he wants me to be so I can recommit myself to the bondage of sin)! The Devil is more concerned about the people that are on fire for Christ than the people in the world because he sees us as a threat, and wants to exterminate the threat so that his kingdom of darkness can flourish! Well let him see me as a threat I am honored by the title, as a matter of fact I will go toe to toe with him, protected by the armor of God and the power of Christ! We bless the Lord and magnify your name we exalt You! There is nobody ELSE like you! I also know that people will start to change the way they look at Christians and their hearts will begin to melt, and they will begin to devote their lives to Christ! They will see the power of Christ as they will see individuals transformed once they accept their salvation! We MUST STEP INTO OUR TRUE CALLING (like one of my friends said)!

Well I look forward to my 1st birthday in Christ in 4 months right around when my god daughter will turn 1! I wouldn't miss neither of the two events for the WORLD!

God Bless and Praise God