Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Revival in this Generation
This generation is going to experience a revival with the young people of this nation and more particularly new York City! Our society that was once prosperous has found itself in financial ruins. Concurrently, preachers across America echo a cry coming directly from God's heart. People who were once lukewarm and backslidden will come to the house of the Lord. I have a strong feeling the revival is going to erupt in the prisons for the youth. Its hard to describe why this sentiment has risen in my heart but I think its because the population is especially broken and is highly aware that they need Jesus! Jesus came not for the righteous but to bring sinners to repentance. Young people are desperate for something real and life changing. Once they find the solution to all their problems (Jesus) they will surrender or veer off and ultimately come back to HIM! Jesus is looking for vessels that are ready to be used. Unfortunately, the youth in the prisons have been in certain circumstances that have caused them to make wrong decisions which landed them in prison. There is still hope for these adolescents.
Naturally speaking most people believe that they are defined by their past. However in Christ there is an opportunity for a new beginning.. Most people will be in utter disbelief when they discover that an ex-con or somebody who was formally incarcerated has abandoned the lifestyle and has been transformed into a new creature! This will spark others' interest in the affairs of God. Once young people are set free from the spiritual prison (sin), hopefully they will go on to be liberated from the physical prison. although being liberated from the spiritual chains are more important. As this revival moves beyond the four walls of the prison I believe its going to trigger synergy when it coalesces with the youth revival taking place outside of the prisons. The Lord is seeking the pariahs, rejects, suicidal teen, highschool dropouts, gangbangers, the party boys, and every other misfit in our generation so that only God will get the glory. This will befuddle the natural man since they expect people who have failed at some point in life to remain defeated! People will know this is an act of God because only a miracle can change a junkyard into a masterpiece (this is in no sense derogatory if you fall into any one of the above categories but a metaphor to illustrate how God transforms people. Once the fire spreads and people start getting saved there is no stopping the revival!
The youth is called to tarry in the prayer closet, become students of the Word, and to offer ourselves as living sacrifices unto God. Once we begin to growing wisdom and knowledge then the Lord can elevate us to the next level. The next level of faith entails being steadfast, sober, and built up in knowledge through understanding. After we begin to dedicated to what he has called us to do and remain consistent He will raise us up. God is calling us to a deeper place of Worship and study time in the WORD. Furthermore He is urging us to come to Him with hearts abandoned and to reach a place of complete surrender! He is calling us not to compromise! Once we are faithful in these things He will empower us with the Holy Ghost. Obviously these are not conditions for becoming empowered by the Holy Spirit but after you have done everything mentioned above you should definitely be able to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit! He is calling us to be strong and courageous, why not loving and merciful, or peaceful and patient. Well its very important to analyze the context where the scripture speaks about Joshua and how he was commanded to be strong and courageous. He does not give Joshua an option which means he had no choice but to be obedient. Before this verse The Lord speaks to Joshua and tells him to meditate on His Word day and night. This means that we wouldn't be strong in our own strength but God will provide it as in our weakness He is made strong! According to the sequence of the scripture the precursor to becoming strong and courageous is reading the Bible. We gain our strength from the Word of God because the Living God is found in the Bible. Also the reason why God chose the courage is becuase it is an antidote to fear! Conquering any fear is an amazing feat.Does anybody struggle with fear. Fear is one of the most effective and powerful tools of the enemy! Fear terrorizes, paralyzes, steals, and destroys. Fear of failure fear of man, Fear of th3 future, Fear of success are all valid fears! When our generation becomes bold and courageous we will be able to walk in the Light and oppose the forces of darkness by taking a stand and proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ! We will not care what the people say and declare his name unashamed. We will live for Jesus with a passion that will draw men near!
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